Digitalization Program for SMEs

We offer personalized software solutions for digitalization and qualification in the SME digitalization program. Our team develops and implements solutions tailored to your needs, for efficiency and success in your business.

  • Regardless of project complexity, we guarantee successful implementation 
  • The work process can be done digitally with simple and clear procedures 

  • You can implement successfully applied solutions for managing your activity 

  • The company's documents can be stored online in the cloud, regardless of their size 

  • Digitalized workflows will allow employees to streamline their work and solve more tasks daily 

  • Relationships with customers and partners will improve 

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Aplicatii de mobile Android & IOS

Aplicatii de mobil native construite si configurate pentru nevoile tale

Magazin online, website de prezentare

Prezenta in online e cartea ta de vizita si mai mult, te poate ajuta sa atragi clienti noi si iti poate genera conversiile dorite

Licente aplicatii web / mobile

Din urmatoarele domenii de activitate: taximetrie / ridesharing, transport (case de expeditii), horeca (restaurante)

Aplicatii: CRM, HR, gestiune

Dezvoltarea aplicatiilor software astfel incat fiecare obiectiv sa poata fi atins iar fiecare task sa poata fi indeplinit.

API pentru integrari cu alte sisteme

Dezvoltari API pentru integrari cu platforme din domenii de activitate conexe

Soft-uri de productie

Eficientizarea proceselor de lucru sau automatizarea acestora prin soluții software la comanda, conform specificațiilor de proiect

Pachete de suport si mentenanta

Pachete personalizate adaptate nevoilor tale

Training pentru angajati

Instruirea personalului ce va utiliza solutiile achizitionate

Securitate IT

Datele sunt gazduite pe servere dedicate si beneficiaza de back-up-uri/zi


Solutii tehnice pentru eficientizarea activitatii companiei tale

Flexibilitate in configurarea solutiei de digitalizare potrivita

Automatizarea proceselor prin solutii IT performante

Implementarea solutiilor de catre echipe specializate

Echipa dedicata pentru interventii rapide

Garantie 6 luni, suport si mentenanta post-implementare

Digitalization Program for SMEs

Get started with XFactorAPP!

Fill out the form and well get back with an estimate for your project

Step 1: Send us a brief project description or system specification

Step 2: Our experts will contact you to learn more about your needs

Step 3: We'll send you our proposal and case studies to prove our competence

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