Rovi`s Delivery - Mobile app for restaurants with food delivery at home
  • Category
    Android and iOS mobile application
  • Client
    Rovi`s Bar
  • Period
    3 months
  • View website

Download the App for Android and iOS:

Mobile App specially developed to bring restaurant customers the experience of an entire concept for home food delivery. It provides the most useful features in the field being a modern and easy to use product. People who choose such facilities will receive an account system for managing current and past orders, multiple payment possibilities, promotions and vouchers within campaigns or saving account addresses for future orders.

Users can customize their account with their first and last name, profile picture, email and phone number. The App offers the possibility to list products, menus or offers, filter products by category and search for favourite foods by keywords. Within the mobile app, users will use a shopping cart, have the possibility to mark their products as favourites, be notified when their order is being delivered and decide for themselves whether the food is delivered to their home or picked up personally at the restaurant.

The software is ideal for any restaurant that has home delivery options because it allows customers to enjoy great service, a carefully selected menu, quality and diversity even when they are at home.

Technical specifications:

  1. Account creation with user and password or login via Facebook
  2. The phone number is mandatory for creating, modifying and validating the account
  3. The app covers several restaurants, the user has the possibility to select the one where he/she wants to place the order
  4. Restaurant screen provides users with photo gallery, description, option to call or navigate to the restaurant
  5. The product screen displays information such as photo, name, ingredients, options (e.g. pizza size), optionals (e.g. toppings), field for details (e.g. not to add certain ingredients)
  6. Shopping cart integrated in the mobile application that allows to list or delete products placed in the cart and edit the quantity ordered
  7. Manageable discount voucher; it is visible in the App during the validity period set and applies the discount to the order placed
  8. Multiple payment methods - cash, POS, card. Card payment requires integration with a payment processor (Mobilpay) and storage of data in the App for future payments.
  9. GDPR module, taking consent for processing personal data and presenting the terms and conditions of use of the application.
  10. Order in progress screen; the user can view the status of the order which will be progressively modified by the restaurant

General advantages:

  • Option to reset the password
  • List products/menus/offers (categories)
  • Add discount voucher for promotional offers
  • Push notifications: The order is being delivered
  • Mark products as favourites with option to add them to cart
  • Filter products by category
  • Search products by keywords
  • Delivery methods: standard or personal pick-up


With over 20 years of experience on the local market, Rovi's Bar meets their customers with an ingenious mobile app that makes it easy for them to enjoy delicious, flavorful dishes. The company is in a continuous process of development and improvement and guides its actions following the principle of quality and diversity to ensure that every person who chooses to order at home can discover unique tastes, amazing flavors and carefully thought-out recipes.

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