
Web platform through which is presented in a professional way the activity of a charity association that helps children and adults with serious malformations.

The website represents an essential tool for direct and personalized communication, which offers users the opportunity to follow the activity of "Salveaza o inima" organization. It presents the cases that need financial resources for treatment and also presents details about the story of every person suffering from a serious illness. All users have the possibility to donate for a specific case, in a simple and fast way, by pressing just a single button.

The website dynamically displays statistics on real-time donations, the number of donors or campaigns. Also, it is possible to download directly from the platform all the forms related to the redirection of income tax or profit, due to the state by citizens or companies. The intuitive and friendly interface ensures smooth and fluid navigation, so users can quickly find the information they are looking for.

The platform integrates pages dedicated to each case where can you can see details about the story of the person with health problems, name, age, diagnosis, the amount of money needed to resolve his problems, the total value of money received by donations or information about treatment. Also, updates and documents can be included on the page, and the patient's case can be easily distributed on social networks.

Technical Specifications:

  1. Customized design, optimized for mobile devices
  2. Presentation of cases and the possibility to donate via SMS, Card or Paypal
  3. Label for highlighting
  4. Integration for taking over the agreement and sending notifications in the browser
  5. Dynamically display all the statistics related to real-time donations, number of donors or campaigns
  6. Dashboard for managing the cases, transactions, and website content
  7. A separate page with detailed information for each case
  8. Integration for the automatic retrieval of the email to those who subscribe to the newsletter
  9. Download the forms for redirection of income or profit tax directly from the site
  10. Integration with MobilPay for online payments, SMS and PayPal


  • Reports with statistics like transactions collected from the website, transactions received from mobile, transactions received over a certain period of time, active recurrent payments, users of the application, completed cases

  • Integration buttons to social media

  • Install Facebook Messenger chat system

  • Newsletter subscription system

  • Contact form

  • Permanent access to information on charitable cases

  • Increasing the number of donors

  • Website appropriate to the trends of the target audience

  • Permanent strategy for promoting the activity of "Salveaza o inima" Association

  • A simple and efficient way through which online donations can be made


The "Salveaza o inima" charity association was founded in 2012 and it brings together professionals, trained and motivated people who want to do great things for those who have health problems. This organization has so far helped over 250 families and includes more than 60,000 members who continue to change the lives of children and adults suffering from serious diseases.

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